
September 10, 2015

In Science, we are continuing to learn about our impact on the environment.  Students read an article about recycling water in California.  They discussed feelings about this idea.  They also completed posters on what they understand about our world today and what people are doing with our resources.


Students observed human impact on our planet, from Danville School.  Student toured the parking lot, garden and fields at the school and noticed many observable clues to human impact on our planet.  Partners worked together to design a poster showing how we impact our environment. 

Last year, students learned about the systems on our earth.  The unit will start with a review of those systems: geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere and lithosphere.  These systems interact with each other all the time.  Our focus this year, will be understanding human impact on these systems.  We have changed the world by using its resources. We have taken responsibility by studying the changes and organizing people to come together, as communities, to use science ideas to lessen the impact.